Policies/Terms and Conditions

         The Forget-Me-Not Society website is quite relaxed in matters of this kind, but for the good of both me and my lovely readers, I feel it necessary it inform you of the few, but essential, polices of this website.  You are more than welcome to make use of this website, as long as you abide by my polices.  Please carefully read this page, and make sure you clearly understand what it states before further using this website.  If you feel that you do not understand my polices, please contact me!  I would be happy to help ease your mind! 



Polices/terms and conditions- means the rules that must be followed in order to use this website

You/your/reader(s)- means the users of this site

Commenter- means a user who posted a comment on this website

I/my/mine- means me, Amelia Clementine, the owner of The Forget-Me-Not Society Blog

This website- means www.theforgetmenotsociety.com

Personal information- means the information you freely give when signing up for my newsletter

Affiliate links- means a link to a product within a post that I recommend and will receive a percentage of the sales made from this link 

My Rights:

         Firstly, be aware that the information I publish on this website is true to the very best of my knowledge, but I am certainly not a professional on the subjects I write about!  I wish to inspire you, but I am not giving you advice.  My writing is formed from my simple thoughts and opinions.  Please understand that I cannot be held responsible if you should come to any harm because you treated my words as such.  I am entitled to voice my ideas, and so are you!  Also note that The Forget-Me-Not Society is in fact a blog, and so it follows that the content is ever-changing.  I am free to change my mind at times, and these polices also may be added or subtracted to at my willing. 

         Secondly, I am within my rights to operate this website as I see best.  If I spot an unsightly, unfriendly, or inappropriate comment made by a reader, I am permitted to remove it or edit it as I will, and I am not required to notify the commenter.  I will try my best to promptly fix such comments, but I cannot be held responsible for the words of an inconsiderate commenter.    


         The content published on this website and the photographs that adorn it are covered with copyright, if you wish to use them, you must ask permission first!  

Affiliate Links:

         Occasionally, I shall post affiliate links to products I enjoy and recommend to my readers.  If you purchase the product from my link, I will receive a small percentage of the sale.  You needn’t worry, this will be at no cost to you!   

My Promise To You/Privacy Policy:

         I am so thankful for all The Forget-Me-Not Society’s readers, and I promise that your personal information will never ever be sold or shared.  If you wish to receive my newsletters, have no fear for your security. 


         Remember, if you continue to use www.theforgetmenotsociety.com, than you agree to obey these polices.  I am so happy that you have found The Forget-Me-Not Society, and I hope to become better acquainted very soon.  Thank you for your cooperation.